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Agora provides Strategic and Operational Management of large fleets - industrial vehicles, trucks, vans and cars-  for global corporate clients

Discover Our Expertise



Business Mapping

  • Site Surveys "We visit production sites/ warehouses and check the state of every single vehicle, their usage in the production processes and look for improvement potential and future requiremetns." 

  • Assessment and Benchmark "We provide full transparency of the fleet composition, its total cost of operations and highlight potential for technical and commercial improvement."

  • Policy Review and Policy Recommendation "We review and recommend a car policy to ensure safe, professional and reliable transportation for drivers, including recommendation of vehicle category and equipment for respective eligibility groups."

Project & Change Management

  • Tendering "We reduce fleet cost by up to 35% as demonstrated with large fleets of existing customer. Tendering of fleet with all major manufacturers, tender execution and analysis." 


  • IMA Negotiation & Contracting "We draft, negotiate and sign-off Global/ European co-op agreements and site/ country agreements with OEMs/ leasing companies on behalf of the client. "

  • Implementation "We implement down to the last single vehicle in all member countries worlwide to make sure all oragisational units benefit from the improved purchasing conditions."



Performance Management

  • Policy Compliance & Contract Monitoring "We monitor new offers and contracts and vehicle policies across all countries and sites during the entire utilisation period."

  • Bidding "We tender the fleet and check the market on a regular basis, making sure to provide our clients with the best purchase and leasing options.

  • Consolidated Reporting "We collect contracted data from suppliers, clean it, consolidate it and report on a periodic basis. Agora reports on: contracted cost, investment cost, KPI, policy footprint, technical data, fuel consumption (technical and real), upcoming renewals, and CO2 emissions."

Fleet Management

  • Pre-order Check and Approval "We pre-check each formal offer before ordering and making sure there is alignment with the contractual terms and conditions."

  • Training/ Sourcing "We  provide relevant training to  the country teams and make sure all of them benefit from the global sourcing strategy.


  • End-to-End Fleet Management Services "We provide an ongoing fleet managemet services throughout 100+ different tasks based on your corporate and local requirements.​

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